The forecasting of colors is out of designers hands, relegated to some mystical color theorist somewhere. Current color trends are typically determined by assumptions made from last seasons fashion runway shows. They then trickle down to designers leaving few quantifiable tools for designers to see what colors are trending right now relative to a client's target audience. I've often been desparaged when a design client quizzed me on my color choices, with little more than esoteric subjectivity to back up those choices.
To solve this problem I envisioned — a set of comprehensive tools for a designer to compare color choices to those being used right now on the internet as specified on sites around the world. Simply put, it is an interactive art installation & set of desktop tools that allow a viewer to experience color as color is being used right now around the world on the web.
Watch the comprehensive video presentation and learn a bit more about the theory behind The presentation also covers a bit of the research that surrounds it as well as how the system was developed, built and deployed using wireless connectity to any of the devices within the family of tools. Enjoy!